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Monday 14 July 2014

Leibster Award - my first nomination.

Hey! I’m very new to blogging but I recently got told by a fellow blogger (Beauty Full Sparx) that they had nominated me for a Leibster Award, so thank you for that! Here are the questions I was asked and my answers:

1) What is your most treasured beauty product that you repurchase over and over again?
I adore my Ghost Deep Night perfume, it is definitely one of my favourite perfumes and I always replace it when it runs out. It’s not too expensive and seems to last me ages so it is perfect really.

2) How did you get into beauty blogging?
I’m not really sure that I am a beauty blogger, I blog a few posts reviewing beauty products but I mainly do life blogging and such. But I have a friend who does beauty blogging and this definitely influenced me to do more blogging. She is also nominated for the Cosmo Blog Awards for Best Established Beauty Award – so everyone should go check out her blog over at

3) What beauty bloggers are the biggest inspiration to you?
My good friend Abi! (Kemples)

4) What do you find to be the most difficult thing about blogging?
Finding the time to sit down and write a post! Now that I have more free time though its not too bad, but whilst I was doing university work and exams I struggled, and I am hopefully starting work full-time soon so I’m sure I will struggle a bit then too.

5) Which make-up brand, if you had to pick just one, is your stand out favourite? (high-end or high street)
I love Maxfactor! Their mascaras are definitely my favourite, which is definitely my go to product whenever I wear makeup. I also love Benefit but their makeup can be a bit out of my price range sometimes, but hopefully when I'm working I will be able to purchase more of their products!

6) If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you spent money on?
A gorgeous apartment to live in with my boyfriend, either that or a brand new car! Or maybe a horse... haha. Or perhaps tickets to travel across America... too many choices! 

7) What would be your ideal job? Are you already doing it?
I would love to be a Forensic Psychologist, or a Clinical Psychologist! I have recently just finished my psychology degree and I am having some time away from studying but I will return to university in the coming years and do my mastrs and PhDs! (Hopefully…)

8) What is your earliest memory?
Probably anything to do with dancing as I used to dance so much when I was younger, I remember going to Pontins down in Wales and winning the Rock n Roll European championship when I was about 7/8.

9) What was the last book you read?
A book by Cecelia Ahern called How to Fall in Love. Definitely recommend it for a light read! Made a change from my usual books like Hannibal…

10) Do you have a fitness routine? If so, what does it involve?
Not at all! I walk my dog a lot, as she is a crazy spaniel who needs to go out like 4 times a day! But other than that not really, I really should do more!

11) What is your guilty pleasure?

The questions for my nominees are:
1. Which person do you admire the most?
2. What was the first beauty product you ever purchased?
3. How would you describe your beauty style? 
4. What is your favourite item of clothing to wear? 
5.  If you could select 5 new items for your wardrobe and money wouldn’t be an issue, what would you choose?
6. What is your favourite film? 
7. What was the last book you read and really enjoyed?
8. Any advice for new bloggers? 
9. If you could travel anywhere in the world and not have to worry about the cost, where would you go? 
10. What is the next beauty product you wish to purchase? 
11. What made you get into blogging? 

My nominees are:
2. Laura Creeney at

I'm sorry there aren't many nominees! But being so new to blogging I am still finding blogs to follow! But this was definitely a great excuse to go out and find new blogs to follow! 

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