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Monday 2 March 2015

Hello March!

So March has begun, I know always say this but I really cannot believe how fast this year is going! For example I'm over halfway through my PGCE year (such a scary thought!!!), with only a few months to go till I'll be a qualified teacher.  I also start my new placement next week so I definitely need to prepare myself for that too, as I will be in school every day of the week and will have to teach a lot more. Especially seeing as the last school I was in was a EBD school so I had to focus more on behaviour management and acting as support in a classroom rather than the lead teacher, so it will be a massive step up and a change/challenge going into this new school. 

I'm also seeing Placebo at the end of the week which I cannot wait for, I have wanted to see this band for so many years and I'm finally going to get the chance! I have been a fan for years and have never really got the chance to see them, so getting to see them at a venue near where I live is fantastic. 

I also cannot wait for Easter either, hopefully I will get the chance to go see my university friends, or at least a holiday because I'm sure I will be ready for the break again! However I know I will also have lots of university work and planning to be getting on with also. Its ridiculous much university work you get whilst on a PGCE year, I think it should be more focused on just the actually teaching. 

I would say I'm excited for the 'Spring' weather, but as I'm typing this it is snowing outside, hardly spring weather! Hopefully because it's getting lighter earlier in the morning, and staying lighter for longer it will make it easier to get up in the morning and to make it easier to set off early for work. Also it may mean that I'll be able to watch my pooch in the evening in some daylight too! 

I hope you all have a wonderful March! 

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