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Saturday 9 May 2015

How to survive a PGCE....

I am currently doing my PGCE year in secondary science, and i thought it would be helpful for others to give just a little bit of advice. It has also given me a small break from my planning and marking! 

If you have any questions at all about a PGCE, teaching or anything else please feel free to ask! 

1. Make sure you make great course mates! 

Having that network of support is a massive help, it truly is! Whether it is just knowing that someone else is going through the same situation, same types of stress and that huge workload. Or whether it is having them there to ask questions, or to get resources and feedback from, they really do help. So make sure you create that very important support blanket. 

2. Remember that you are not superwoman, you cannot do absolutely everything (although I'm sure you will try). 

There is always something else that needs doing, but you need to remember to take that bit of time off to relax, and importantly to recuperate. If you don't then you will surely run yourself into the ground. Make sure you are taking a day off a week, whether it is Friday night and part of Saturday or all Saturday, just make sure you are taking that bit of time to relax, see friends or family, spend some time with your partner, or simply just to watch some rubbish tv and chill. So remember that you will really be working hard but it is so important not to burn out. A lot of people on their PGCE forget this important part of advice but it really is very important, and it was actually one of the first pieces of advice that my course leader gave us, and she was definitely not wrong!  

3. Collect resources! 

From each placement make sure you are taking all the resources that you can, even if it isn't a topic you teach, you never know when it may come in handy. Also if someone offers you any resources or advice, take it!! I cannot stress that enough either. All resources are helpful, and when it comes to planning later on you will really be grateful that you have those resources. 

4. Enjoy it! 

Remember the reasons why you decided to do the PGCE in the first place, so whenever times get tough you can remember why you started the torture in the first place! 

I hope my little bit of advice has been helpful for you, again, if you have any questions please do ask! 

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